COVID-19 Impacts on Support from Hope Bereavement – Update 1
16 March 2020 11am
Hope is open for business. Hope are committed to ensuring that we continue to provide you with bereavement support. We will balance this with our commitment to our staff and limiting the risk to all people that use our services and the community.
We ask that if you are feeling unwell or have had contact with anyone in the last 14 days that may have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus, or you have concerns about the spread of COVID-19, call us and we’ll reschedule your appointment or discuss options for conducting your session via telephone or video conferencing.
Counselling or Support Appointments: Hope Bereavement Counsellors will continue to make appointments and keep appointments already scheduled.
If you have an appointment, we will implement the following strategies:
- Handwashing immediately prior to appointment – there are handwashing facilities available at Kitchner House
- Paper cups will be used for any drinks/beverages
Group Support: All support groups will continue as planned. We ask that you implement the following social distancing strategies.
- Handwashing before and after a group session. Handwashing facilities are available on site.
- Food will not be shared
- Paper cups will be used for any beverages
- Group members to distance themselves by at least 1 metre if possible.
Hope Bereavement Care will keep you up to date if anything changes.
We encourage you to check the news section on our website or follow us on Facebook