17 March 2020 12pm
Hope is open for business, however, will have significant changes to how we offer our support. Hope is committed to ensuring that we continue to provide you with bereavement support. As you know we’ve been keeping up-to-date and considering our response to the unfolding situation with COVID-19. We have taken in account government and sector advice, the decisions of our partner organisations, Red Nose and Jesuit Social services, and balanced this with our commitment to you, our staff and our role in limiting the risk to all people that use our services and the community.
This has led us to making the difficult decision to implement the following changes:
Counselling or Support Appointments: Face to Face counselling sessions will cease and Hope Bereavement Counsellors will start to transition appointments to telephone or video conference counselling from the 18th Match 2020.
Staff will be in touch to organise with for you
Group Support: All support groups will be cancelled from 18th March 2020. We are currently working on the best way to ensure you are supported and will look at each group and options that may be available, including video conferencing, tele-support and closed Facebook pages.
These are unusual times and we’ve not taken these decisions lightly. We hope you understand our need to do all we can minimise the opportunity for exposure to the virus, ensure the health and wellbeing of our team and all Hope Bereavement participants, and ensure Hope is able to continue the support without closure.
We encourage you to check the news section on our website or follow us on Facebook