Hope services: the same but different…
Changes to Hope Service Delivery due to Covid-19
Current clients We know how bereavement can leave us feeling very isolated. Add the need to self-isolate and this can make these feelings even more intense. The worlds focus on the corona virus can make us feel like our grief is insignificant and the constant focus on death can be triggering and distressing. Hope is offering support and counselling via Telephone or Video Conference, and groups via video conference. Please contact your counsellor directly or email hope@bereavement.org.au
People newly bereaved during self-isolation: Life goes on. Babies and Children are still dying; we are still grieving the unexpected death of a loved one and we continue to grieve after a suicide. COVID-19 does not change this, but it does have an effect on how we share our grief with loved ones and how we memorise our loved ones. Hope is accepting referrals for those grieving the death of a baby or child (from conception), the death of a loved one and those grieving after suicide. Please email hope@bereavement.org.au and a counsellor will give you a call to discuss.
People bereaved by Covid-19: If someone dies of coronavirus or complications resulting from the virus, a number of things may be particularly hard for family and friends to deal with. Infection controls may mean that family members do not have an opportunity to spend time with someone who is dying, or to say goodbye in person. Please email hope@bereavement.org.au and a counsellor will give you a call to discuss.