Live Stream – Dr Rob Gordon – Trauma, Grief and Post-traumatic Growth Following Suicide
Wednesday 9th October 7pm
There will be a live stream of Dr Rob Gordon as he delivers his talk on trauma, grief and post-traumatic growth at Support After Suicide, Melbourne Office. You can view it on a computer, laptop, tablet or phone. The lives stream will be through Zoom.
There are two options:
- Zoom:
What to expect: When you click on the link below you will be prompted to download some Zoom software.
You will also be asked for your email address and your name. You can use your first name only if you prefer. This will only be visible to the Zoom operator filming the talk. Your name and email will not be visible online or publicly.
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Description: Talk by Dr Rob Gordon
Audio only:
If you only want to listen to Rob you can hear audio only by using your phone to dial into the meeting. You will be asked to enter the Webinar meeting ID which is the 9 digit number below. Then wait for the meeting to begin.
Phone: 02 8015 6011 or 08 7150 1149 – for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location
Webinar ID: 548 976 284
International numbers available:
Rob’s talk will also be live streamed on the Support After Suicide, Australia Facebook page. If you have never visited the page before you search for @supportaftersuicide
Then click on Video which is on the left hand side on a desktop computer or laptop and at the top of the screen on a smartphone. You can watch the live stream of Rob’s talk there.
If you are having problems connecting to the webinar you can contact Support After Suicide on 03 9421 7640. The phone will be staffed until 7.30pm.