Fundraise for Hope Bereavement Care
Donate your celebration: Have a birthday coming up? Want to give a gift that makes a difference? Ask your guests to give to Hope instead of a gift.
Host an event: Do you want to host a fundraising event? There are many ideas to consider. Perhaps you could host a Trivia Night or a Golf Day. You can ask for participants to donate to Hope as a part of coming to your event.
Challenge yourself: Want to push yourself? Why not consider ‘running’ for Hope or challenging yourself by reading 100 books or quitting sugar for a month. Ask your friends and family to sponsor you.
* See more fundraising ideas in our ‘Fundraise for Hope’ fact sheet.
You can fundraise for Hope and let us put the money where it’s needed or tell us if you specifically want the money to go towards one of our programs: Hope’s Baby and Child Service, Adult Service or Support After Suicide.
Consider if you want to collect money or if you would like people to donate online.
The easiest option is to get people to donate online. You can use Hope’s GiveNow page to create a ‘CrowdRaiser’ and then let them do the rest. They will keep track of what you have raised, manage all the money and receipts, and you can link to people by social media or email straight from their page.

If you would prefer to collect money, Hope can provide you with a tracking document so we can provide all givers a tax receipt after the event and arrange a way for you to get the money to Hope.
Share: Compile a list of everyone you know – friends, family, work colleagues, etc. Tell them about your fundraiser and invite them to support you.
Promote to family and friends: Announce your fundraiser on Facebook with a link to GiveNow. You could also send a direct message to your friends to ask for donations and consider creating an ‘event’ to invite them to. Share photos of your fundraiser and post to Facebook.
Hope fundraising support: We will provide you with a fundraising pack that includes: a ‘Proudly Supporting Hope’ logo for event promotion; promotion of your event on the Hope website and Facebook page; and a Supporter Letter, to help you gather local support and sponsorship.