Grief week
“Grief is something that will affect us all at some point in our lives, yet there is still much taboo about the human experience of bereavement”
The MISSON of ‘National Grief Week’ is to change this!
JOIN US as we start a grief movement.
As part of GRIEF WEEK 2024 we will be running a number of events and activities.
Most of these are FREE or low cost, but registrations are essential (Tickets are limited)
You can see a full list of our events and book tickets here:

Our AIM is to normalise the universal, human experience of grieving, by creating conversation, increasing awareness and bringing hope.
Our HOPE is that by facilitating, opportunities for open, honest, discussions about a topic that is all too often ignored or sidestepped, these will serve as a catalyst to bring people together to learn more about grief, and how we can better support one another.